Reseller Information
Listed below are some of the resellers with whom we have ongoing business. Our products are not available for online ordering through their sites but if you call, we have accounts with the companies below and they can process your order.
We do are not endorsing one supplier over another. All we are saying is that we have found that orders processed through the below resellers have gone smoothy from our perspective.
Customers from Germany and Switzerland: Please scroll for resellers in your country.
Please write if you have questions.
Software House International
290 Davidson Ave
Somerset, NJ 08873
United States
V: 888-764-8888
F: 732-764-8889
Insight Software
6820 S. Harl Ave
Tempe, AZ 85283
V: 800 467-4448
20875 Crossroads Circle, Suite 1
Waukesha WI 53186
V: +1 800 444-9890
softwareONE has worldwide locations. Services include Software Asset Managment, Software Purchasing and Procurement, Unified Cloud Management, and more.
151 Slater Street
Suite 401
Ottawa ON K1P 5H3
V: 613-565-9000
F: 613-241-8245
Softchoice has offices in Calgary, Montreal, and Ottawa. Please see their web site for more contact info.
SienerSoft GmbH
Schoßbergstraße 11
D-65201 Wiesbaden
V: +49 611 890776 00
F: +49 611 890776 55
SienerSoft verfügt über Standorte in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Besuchen Sie die Website oder wenden Sie sich direkt an Roland Siener. SienerSoft kann schnell auf Ihre Anfrage reagieren.
Riedenmatt 4
CH-6370 Stans
V: +41(0)844 44 55 44
softwareONE has offices in multiple countries, including the United States.
worldsoft / B7, Inc.
Mitaka Business Park Plaza A1102
1-12-17 Kamirenjaku Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0012