Directory Toolkit Scripts
(Ver 4.6-4.7)
Funduc Software, Inc
Copyright 1997-2018
Directory Toolkit scripts may be used for complex or frequent synchronize operations in lieu the synchronize command line switches. You may specify more than one operation in a single script. Script files are ASCII text files that should be
created using text editor such as Notepad. You may also write & load single-step scripts interactively from the main dialog via the View Menu (Load/Write options from/to script). A script file may be passed to Directory Toolkit via the /F command line parameter. For example, to run a script in
the file "dt.cfg", you would issue the following from a command line prompt or a batch file:
C:\TOOLS\DIRTKT\DIRTKT.EXE /F"c:\script files\dtscript1.cfg" /Q
Directory Toolkit will look for the script file in the current subdirectory. You may specify a path to the script file. The file name extension for the script file may be anything you choose. You may specify the /Q command line parameter when using scripts (example
# Comment lines in a script are prefaced with # or ' characters
# in column 1. The comment characters _must_ go in column 1.
# Comments should not be placed after script commands -- keep
# comments on separate lines from your working script switches.
# Blank lines are ignored.
# Note: All script commands and comments must begin in column 1!!!
# ================
# The [Default] Section, which is optional, is used to specify
# parameters for all [Action ]s in the script. You can also specify
# parameters in specific [ActionX] section(s). For example,
# see [Action3] section below.
# All scripts must have at least one [Action ] section!! For this model
# script, [Action1] and [Default] are redundant -- both have the same
# path settings. In actual use, for single [Action] scripts you would
# not specify [Default] and would instead use [Action1] alone
# If present, [Default] should always be specified first. The order
# of processing for the [Action ] sections is determined by their number.
# They can be placed in any order within the script. Furthermore, numbers
# do not need to be inclusive -- you can skip numbers. For example, if
# your script has [Action8] [Action2] [Action5] they will be processed
# in the order: [Action2] [Action5] [Action8]. Please see the F1 hlp
# for more information.
# If an [Action] number is duplicated, the program will process
# the first of that number as it is found in the script. For
# example, in a script with [Action1], [Action2], [Action3], [Action2],
# the first [Action2] will be processed. The 2nd is ignored.
# *** PATH SETTING ***
# Note: If Path1= or Path2= setting are listed in [Default], create a
# [Action1] tag with no Path1= or Path2= setting in order to use
# Path1= or Path2= as specified in [Default].
# If your [Action1] section has a Path1= and Path2= settings
# they will supercede what is specified in [Default].
Alternate Specification:
# Paths can also be specified in the form of variables that can then
# be employed as needed within specific [Action] sections. For example,
# TestPath1=D:\Test\Folder1
# TestPath2=D:\Test\Folder2
# MyDocsForWork=C:\Documents and Settings\BillsWork\My Documents
# DocsForGaming=C:\Documents and Settings\Game Player\My Documents
# Paths can also be specified in the form of variables that can then
# be employed as needed within specific [Action] sections. For example,
# TestPath1=D:\Test\Folder1
# TestPath2=D:\Test\Folder2
# MyDocsForWork=C:\Documents and Settings\BillsWork\My Documents
# DocsForGaming=C:\Documents and Settings\Game Player\My Documents
# The variable names can be any string except they must not begin
# with the # or ' characters and they should not contain spaces
# It is OK to use both forms within a single script.
# See the program F1 hlp, [Action4] and [Action5] sections
# below, and the Example4.cfg sample script included with the
# program for more info.
# If not specified, Default Operation = 6.
# Use only one switch per [ActionX] section.
# Use a value of 6 (Compare Only) to generate an output report
# without performing any synchronize operations.
# Note: The - value, 'prompted' switches below bring up the Directory
# Toolkit synchronize dialog, with that function pre-selected. You can
# then cancel or permit the operation. If you use your script with our
# Folder Synchronize utility, 'prompted' synchronize is not available
# for that product. Folder Synchronize will instead carry out that
# 'No Prompt' counterpart. Use Confirm Updates=1 with Folder Synchronize
# if you want an opportunity for user intervention.
# To cause Directory Toolkit to display two paths in a compare but take
# no further action:
# - Make a script with only one [Action]. You must have only one
# action, otherwise selecting OK in the synchronize dialog will
# cause the program to continue on to the next step.
# - Use Operation=-8
# - Select the OK button in the Synchronize dialog.
# Alternatively, use the Directory Toolkit /s and /t command line switches
# to launch the program on the two paths in question.
# No
# OPERATION Prompt Prompted ACTION
# ---------------- ------ -------- ------------------
# Synchronize 0 -2 Update & Add in both directions.
# Augment 1 -3 Add only new to target.
# Refresh 2 -4 Update only existing in target.
# Update 3 -5 Update & Add new to target.
# Prune 4 -6 Update, Add new, Remove Orphans.
# Remove Identical 5 -7 Remove identical files from target.
# Compare Only 6 -8 Display only - No synch operations.
# Recreate Dirs 7 -9 Recreate directory structure only.
# No other files are copied.
# Delete Empty Dirs 8 -10 Delete empty directories from the
# target. No other files are copied.
# Prompt only -1 Display synch dialog with no default.
# *** FILE MASK ***
# File masks are specified with the Mask= switch. Complex file masks
# can be used. If no mask is specified the default assumed is *.*
# See the Directory Toolkit complex mask dialog for a builder
# to help you construct complex masks.
# Some examples are:
# Mask Effect
# -------------------- -------------------------------------
# *.i?? Include files ending with .i followed
# by 3 characters
# win.ini This would be found by the above.
# ~moricons.dll Exclude this specific file.
# ~\images\te*\ A wildcard (te*) to skip images\test,
# images\testing, etc.
# ~\*\junk*\*\*.* Skips all files in any subdir junk*
# and all under that.
# All subdir specifications are relative Path1= and Path2=
# Separate multiple specifications with ; character. For example,
# *.*;~\*\junk*\*\*.*
# Use the switch to include or not include subdirectories. If not
# specified, Default = 1.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Do not recurse subdirs
# 1 = Include subdirs
# To create an Output File of the results, specify a path & file name
# using the Output File= switch. Leave blank to not write an output file
# To write to the output file in Append mode, also specify
# Append to Output File=1.
# IMPORTANT: Use a path for the output file other than one being used
# during a synchronize operation. If your output file is in a path that
# is being actively synchronized you may get file sharing errors.
# It is OK to define different Output Files for each [ActionX] section.
# Possible Values for append switch:
# 0 = Output file is overwritten.
# 1 = Output writes are in append mode.
Output File=
Append to Output File=1
# This switch controls whether prompting for replaces is made.
# The Use OS Operations= switch determines the style of the
# prompting offered. If not specified, Confirm Updates=1
# is assumed.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = No update prompts for file replacements are supplied.
# 1 = Confirmation prompts will be made.
Confirm Updates=1
# The Use OS Operations= switch controls the type of file
# confirmation dialog used: internal vs. standard Windows
# dialogs. The internal dialogs provide more information and
# choices than the native Windows dialogs. Some network drivers
# & removable media may require 'native' mode. If you have
# trouble with subdirs not being created on a path, try
# Use OS Operations=1.
# The default if not specified is Use OS Operations=0
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Use internal file confirmation dialogs.
# 1 = Use native OS file operations.
Use OS Operations=0
# This switch is for future use within Directory Toolkit.
# If you use Folder Synchronize, the Display Error Messages= switch
# to controls whether or not the program issues small Action
# Completed message boxes after a script is complete. We recommend
# setting this switch to Display Error Messages=1 if you are doing
# operations to/from floppy media because this will help the program
# detect some OS- related driver error messages for some
# manufacturer's drivers such as zip disks, CDRW drives, etc. For
# totally silent operations specify Display Error Messages=0.
Display Error Messages=1
# Use this to perform a byte level contents comparison when two
# files have an alike name but different file date. The files will
# be considered identical if the contents are the same. Enable this
# only if you need it -- because the entire file must be read,
# processing will be slower, especially when network paths are
# involved. If not specified, Check Same Size Files=0 is assumed.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Do not perform binary file checks.
# 1 = Perform binary file checks.
Check Same Size Files=0
# To not perform a binary contents check on same date/size files,
# turn off the Binary Check Same Date Files= switch.
# This will speed up operations when Check Same Size Files=1 is
# enabled. However, use this only if you are sure your same
# date/size files are identical. This switch has no effect if
# Check Same Size Files=0 is
specified. If not specified,
# Binary Check Same Date Files=1 is assumed.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Do not binary compare same size/date files.
# 1 = Perform binary file compare on all files.
Binary Check Same Date Files=1
# Two special 'Unix' Directory Compare modes are available as a
# subset of Binary File Comparison (above) to compare files that
# have matching date/time stamps but different file sizes. The
# first, 'Ignore Whitespace Compare', disregards whitespace
# including spaces and line terminators. This mode can be used to
# compare Unix vs. PC files that are the same name and have matching
# time/date stamps. The second, 'Ignore Case Compare', disregards
# the case of the text within the files.
# Important Notes - Please Read:
# - The Check Same Size Files=1 switch MUST also be specified for
# either of these switches to work.
# - Ignore Whitespace Compare can be done alone.
# - To use Ignore Case Compare you MUST also enable Ignore Whitespace
# Compare.
# - The default for both switches if not specified is =0, e.g.,
# Ignore Whitespace Compare=0, Ignore Case Compare=0
# Settings if you want Unix Compare alone:
# Check Same Size Files=1
# Ignore Whitespace Compare=1
# Ignore Case Compare=0
# Settings if you want Unix Compare and Ignore Case Compare:
# Check Same Size Files=1
# Ignore Whitespace Compare=1
# Ignore Case Compare=1
# Use these switches to control whether the program includes
# different &/or identical in your synchronize or comparison
# operation. If not specified, Show Different=1 and
# Show Identical=1 are assumed.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Do not include those files
# 1 = Include those files
Show Different=1
Show Identical=1
# Show Files in 1 Dir= is used to control whether orphan files in
# one or the other path are included in an operation. In most
# cases you will probably want Show Files in 1 Dir=1. If not
# specified Show Files in 1 Dir=1 is assumed.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Do not include files that exist in one dir only.
# 1 = Include files that exist in one directory only.
Show Files in 1 Dir=1
# The two switches below are used to prevent the replacement of
# newer and/or older files. For safety reasons you probably should
# keep 'Newer Overwrite' turned off -- If enabled, a synchronize
# could replace newer files with older versions!!! If 'Newer
# Overwrite' is not specified the program default is disabled.
# 'Older Overwrite' should probably be enabled (this is the
# default). If you disable 'Older Overwrite', older versions of
# files will not be updated with newer versions during a
# synchronize. If not specified, Newer Overwrite=0 and
# Older Overwrite= 1 are assumed.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Do not overwrite.
# 1 = Allow overwrites.
Newer Overwrite=0
Older Overwrite=1
# Use the Match In Subdir=1 switch to enable a special mode to
# search for duplicate files on your disk, e.g., to scan for
# duplicate DLLs or ferret out like-named documents across
# different subdirectories. In general, you would specify the
# same path for Path1= and Path2= when using this mode, although
# it is OK to scan two different paths.
# Do not enable Match In Subdir=1 if you do not need it - the file
# lists returned are generally not what you would want for a typical
# synchronize operation. Operation=6, which is a comparison only,
# is the most common operation usage when Match In Subdir=1 is used.
# The default is Match In Subdir=0
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Do not search for duplicate files in the paths.
# 1 = Perform a Match Duplicate Files comparison.
Match In Subdir=0
# Because NT-class operating systems such as Windows NT/2000/XP use
# a more accurate time stamp than Windows 95/98, comparisons between
# a Win95/98 and NT-class machine may lead to false mismatches a
# second apart (Win95/98 precision is on even seconds). The
# Time Check Precision= switch can be used to establish a +/- range,
# inside of which two files will be considered identical if their
# name & size are the same. Specify the value in seconds to use
# for Time Check Precision. If not specified, Time Check Precision=3
# is assumed.
Time Check Precision=3
# The Add Seconds To Second Dir= switch can be used compensate for a
# known, exact time difference between two paths. This switch can
# be useful if time zone differences are affecting the reported file
# times for one or the other path and if you do not wish to use
# 'Binary File Contents' compare mode (Check Same Size Files=
# switch). If Add Seconds To Second Dir= is specified the program
# adds or subtracts the specified number of seconds from the
# reported file times for Path2.
# For example, if Add Seconds To Second Dir=3600 is specified and
# a file time stamp is 08:00, the program will use 09:00 for the
# file time when evaluating comparisons. The value can be + or -.
# All files in path2 are affected. Add Seconds To Second Dir= is
# a fixed value, not a range. Omit this switch entirely if you do
# not need it.
# Add Seconds To Second Dir=
# Use this to compare file names case sensitive or not. If not
# specified, Case Sensitive=0 is assumed.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = File name matching not case sensitive.
# 1 = File name matching is case sensitive.
Case Sensitive=0
# When Group Files=1 is specified, the program clusters files in
# a comparison display by file name, with orphaned files grouped
# at the top or bottom of the list. When Group Files=0,
# comparisons are organized such that 'missing' or 'unmatched'
# files are visible within the context of other files according
# to the sort order. If not specified, Group Files=0 is assumed.
# Possible Values:
# 0 = Do not group files.
# 1 = Group files.
Group Files=0
# The Display Columns= and Output Columns= switches can be used
# to control the layout of Directory Toolkit's GUI display and
# the layout of the output report in Directory Toolkit and Folder
# Synchronize. The default used for a script are the settings in
# place when the program was last run interactively. Describing
# the possible manual settings is complicated. Please see
# 'ScriptColumnDefinitionSettings.txt', that is installed in the
# program path, more information and some example settings.
# Display Columns=
# Output Columns=
# To sort the file listing, use one of the values below.
# To control ascending vs descending, use the Sort Type=
# switch.
# Field to sort on:
# SORT_BY_NONE = -1 (default if nothing specified)
# SORT_BY_CRC32 = 6
Sort Compare=-1
# For Ascending vs Descending, Sort Type= values are:
# 0 = Descending
# 1 = Ascending
Sort Type=1
# The Mask= switch filters files by name &/or path.
# Other switches are available to filter files by size, date, and
# file attribute. The Reverse Filters= switch is used to cause
# these switches to function as 'exclude' or 'include'.
# The values at below are the defaults if not specified (all
# files included). Omit those entirely if you do not need any
# special settings. The switches work in tandem with each other and
# the combinations of values is very complex. Please see the file,
# 'ScriptFilterSettings.txt', that is installed with the program
# for more information.
# The program has a special string - %%today%% - that can be used
# for the two date filters. %%today%% uses the current computer date
# for the respective filter setting. You can add or subtract days
# by specifying a +/- value before the ending %% characters.
# Examples:
# %%today-5%% uses a date filter of the current date minus 5 days
# %%today+1%% adds one day to the current date
# Defaults:
# Min Size Filter=0
# Max Size Filter=100000
# Min Date Filter=8/21/2003
# Max Date Filter=8/23/2003
# Skip Files Mask=0
# Ignore Attributes=55
# Reverse Filters=0
# Scripts can carry out more than one action. To do this, make
# [ActionX] as modeled below. They can be specified in any
# order in the script. The program parses the entire
# script and implements the 'Actions' sequentially, based
# on their number,
# e.g., [Action1], [Action2], [Action3], etc.
# Setting specified in [Default] will be in effect if that same
# switch is not specified in a given Action section.
Confirm Updates=0
Path1=C:\My Documents\Current Projects
Path2=C:\My Documents\Backup
Confirm Updates=1
# The next two [Action] sections use the "Alternate Specification"
# described in the [Default] section. Note that [Action5] uses a literal
# path and a variable path that is defined in the [Default] section.
Confirm Updates=0
Confirm Updates=0
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